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"I’ve been a pessimist most of my life. I didn’t want to be-it’s just the way I was it seemed. I tried to enjoy life, but I took everything so darn seriously it was hard for me to just let loose and I never laughed at myself. I was beyond uptight.  This is my journey from pessimist to the Hopefulist."

-Wendy McClure

The Hopefulist


I’ve been a pessimist most of my life. I didn’t want to be-"this is just the way it seemed".  I tried to enjoy life, but I took everything so darn seriously.  It was hard for me to just let loose.  I never laughed at myself. I was beyond uptight. I started by watching “The Oprah Winfrey Show” as often as possible. I loved how she focused on us living our best lives and all those A-ha moments! Then Dr. Phil came along, and I loved his no-nonsense way of telling it like it is. If you weren’t happy it was your fault and you were the only one who can change it. It was a bit annoying at first but only because he was RIGHT!  


My journey from pessimist to the Hopefulist has been a long time coming. I started diving into self help books and tried to practice what they preached but it never lasted long. I would follow their instructions for like a week and I would drop off. I have read many of these books over the years and they all basically said the same thing but in different ways.  I finally realized that I had to practice what they preached as part of my daily routine.  


I started a gratitude journal and wrote down five things everyday that I was grateful for. I started to appreciate the little things in life. I stopped taking so many things for granted. I stopped to smell the roses. I started doing more of what I love rather than sitting in front of the television. The more I did…the more I found things that I love to do.


It’s not always easy but the steps are pretty simple.  Just like anything in life…transforming from a sad sap to a happy person is a process. It takes work, dedication and repetition. If you want it bad enough you have to do the work. 


Now that I’m a happy human I can’t believe it took me so long to get here.  My life is so much better now.  Looking back, I don’t like the person I used to be but this transformation took time and effort.  My goal is to help you on your journey.   I am here to help you when you need a little direction.   I am “Your daily dose of inspiration and positivity”.  We will make the journey together!  Now, let’s get started!

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