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Sep 21, 20226 min read
Goals to be a Hopefulist!
Would you like to be a Hopefulist like me? If so, there are five things you need to be doing every day. Work at these like they are goals...
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Sep 12, 20225 min read
Your biggest challenge to new goals
What do you think is your biggest challenge when it comes to achieving new goals? It's actually your brain. Your brain is constantly...
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Sep 6, 202210 min read
Hopefulist Activated!
As I've been spending time on social media I saw I term that I just love. Instead of identifying yourself as a Republican or a Democrat...
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Sep 5, 20225 min read
Why we need to set goals! Ep. 555
It's September and that always gives a sort of automatic reset. Like when we used to have to go back to school. Party time is over...time...
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Aug 29, 20225 min read
Have no Shame!
Persistence. It feels like sometimes no matter what you do you just can't stay committed to those goals? Am I right? Especially when it...
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Aug 28, 20226 min read
Hopefulist Activated!
The extreme abortion laws in most states in the US continue to cause havoc in women and their families lives. A story came out this week...
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Aug 22, 20224 min read
Remember Your Why
We've been focusing on Persistence this month. It can be really tough to make changes and then stick to them. There is so much comfort in...
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Aug 15, 20225 min read
Are you your own worst enemy?
I have been at this business for over three years now. It's embarrassing to me that it hasn't gotten further along. It's not even a...
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Aug 10, 20224 min read
This month I'd like to focus on persistence. It's coming toward the end of summer and that usually means we've done a lot of relaxing,...
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Aug 5, 20224 min read
Hopefulist Activated!
Some great news this week out of Kansas. They overwhelmingly voted against an amendment that would outlaw abortion in the state. 61%...
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Aug 1, 20224 min read
Setting Boundaries
It's a tough time in our country right now with so much division. It makes it hard to figure out where lines need to be drawn when it...
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Jul 29, 20225 min read
Hopefulist Activated!
Thank you for joining me on another edition of Hopefulist Activated where I talk about what is happening in the country and anything you...
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Jul 25, 20224 min read
Building confidence
Confidence is one of those things we often feel we don't have and don't really know how to build it in ourselves. It's extra difficult...
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Jul 18, 20225 min read
10 things that make my life better!
We are halfway through summer and time is going way too fast. I hope you are getting the chance to enjoy it. But just in case you...
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Jul 14, 20225 min read
Hopefulist Activated!
I'm starting something new called The Hopefulist Activated. It's about what is going on in our country right now and what we can do fight...
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Jul 11, 20224 min read
Trusting Yourself.
Last week we were talking about checking in on those new year goals and how we are doing with them. How was your report? Did you even...
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Jun 27, 20227 min read
Time to fight
I'm finding it very hard to concentrate these last few days. Since the announcement of the reversal of Roe V. Wade I have been consumed....
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Jun 27, 20224 min read
Mid-year check-in!
It's time for the mid-year check in. How are those New Year resolutions going? Are you on track to end the year the way you hope to? This...
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Jun 20, 20224 min read
Circle of Friends
They say you are the combination of the 5 people you hang out with the most. So think about those people right now. Who are they? Is it...
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Jun 13, 20225 min read
You're not TOO anything
I had a conversation with a friend the other day about something she said that hurt my feelings. She explained that she didn't mean it...
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