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Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

Cherish those Friends!

This is a small group of my ladies from the hood. There are about 13 of us that branched off from a bigger group that started as a book club for the whole neighborhood. Our intimate group see each other often. Usually at least 3 to 4 times a month. It's been tough not having some of our usual get togethers but we are staying in touch via text on almost a daily basis. This was our first outing when we wanted to support one of our girls who had just brought her husband home from surgery. We brought an edible arrangement and let her know we were there for her in whatever she needed. In order to have good friends, you need to be a good friend.

I have another friend who is so thoughtful and giving. She makes me want to be a better friend. She reaches out to make sure we get to spend time together. She knows me well and often gifts me with my favorite things. She knows how much I love starfish and has given me so many things for my house with a starfish featured. She knows my favorite restaurants and often tells me when there is something going on there. Just because she knows I love it there and wants to make sure I know. She even knows that when at a fancy restaurant I often indulge in a "old fashioned" as a cocktail. They usually come with one huge ice cube rather than a bunch. She even got me one of those trays to make my own big, fancy ice cubes when we started making them ourselves at home. She really is the most thoughtful and kind person and I'm so grateful to have her in my life. When you find a good friend, don't let them go.

If you don't feel like you have enough good friends in your life then put yourself out there! Like I said, I met the group of ladies above because someone put a post on our community page about starting a book club and I went. That is where I met so many of my newest friends. And they make my life so much more fun. Just put yourself out there. I know it can nerve-wracking to put yourself out there. But tell yourself you have nothing to lose by going to a gathering with a group you've never met before. Because you don't except maybe an hour of your life. Give up a little t-v. If it doesn't work out and you don't met anyone, at least you tried. Then you pick another group and try again. But if you want your life to be different you have to try different things. Right?

But once you get an awesome grateful for it! Make it a priority. Make that person feel special. Reach out often and make sure they are doing okay. Just say hi. And make plans to get together (when safe) so you can stay in touch. The more you see people, the more you have to talk about. I remember working with one of my best friends when I was young. Once we got home from work we would talk on the phone or get together and spend more and more time talking. People would ask if us how we didn't run out of things to talk about. I'm not sure but we didn't! Really get to know your friends. Isn't it so nice when you feel like someone really understands you. Be that for someone else. And keep your friendships at the top of your priority list. Cultivate them, cherish them, honor them.

It's "I wish it were cocktail Friday" Thursday! Once again, it's vacation week here so I'm taking the day off tomorrow. But there are over 280 episodes for you to choose from so please, go find a favorite and listen again!

Have a fantastic weekend. Be safe in whatever you do. And as always, be your badass self. I'm cheering you on!

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