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  • Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

Embrace Change

Most of us do not like change. Fear of the unknown is a big one for me, so I don’t usually embrace change. But I also tend to think of change as a bad thing although that is not always the case. But the people who embrace change and don’t fear it are typically happier. Because they can roll with the changes (Do you have REO Speedwagon stuck in your head now too?)

Change is going to happen. It’s inevitable and natural. Look around you right now and you will see the trees shedding their leaves. Your flowers may be going to sleep soon and the grass will soon take a break as well. They are shedding the old, resting and then prepare for renewal come springtime. This happens every year. It’s part of their cycle of life. It’s also part of our cycle of life. It can be scary but we want to evolve and change. Life would be so boring without it.

I’m at a point in my life where I am very happy. I love where I live, I love the friends I have made and I love this business I am trying to build. I love where I am but there are so many places to go. I want to turn my business into something huge. I want “The Hopefulist” to become a household name. Once that happens, I will start to travel everywhere I have wanted to go. But where I live now will always be my home because I love it here. But I can still have so much more. That all entails change. It’s so much better if you can embrace it as a good thing rather than something to dread.

Are you at a crossroads right now? Not sure which direction to go? Take some time to figure out what you really want. Don’t take too long though because spring is right around the corner. Nature is guiding us to get rid of what no longer serves us and to take a little rest (if we need it). But start getting prepared to blossom again. Time flies and before you know it (hopefully January, February and March will go as quickly as June, July and August) it will be spring.

It’s okay to take time to figure out where you want to go. Just get ready to take some action. We are all made for more! I want you to realize all your dreams. I want you to get to the end of your life and think…man, what a freaking ride that was! The only way to do that is to be open to what comes down the road. The only way to do that is to prepare for what it is you truly want. Don’t let anyone stop you because this is your dream, your life and your journey. If people aren’t on board, toosey badsey for them. You are living for you. No one else. And hopefully they will understand that and help you realize your dream.

It is “I wish it were cocktail Friday” Thursday. Almost to the weekend people. Take a little time today to see where you want to go next. And make today, your best day yet.

Listen to me discuss this topic today on my daily podcast available at, on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and TuneIn. Just search for "The Hopefulist"!

Please check out my website. It’s your one stop spot for everything “The Hopefulist”.

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