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Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

Go get yourself a mentor!

This is a collage I made when I found out my mini guru was going to be speaking at my main guru gathering. It was a stroke of luck that I found out two days before the big Oprah event that Rachel Hollis would be a guest speaker. I was beyond thrilled. It was a great day. Oh, and I had to throw in a picture of me with Rachel's husband, Dave who I met at a business conference I went to last year. Do I look excited???

I'll start with my love of Oprah. And btw...we are still getting over how silly we feel because people make fun of me all the time for idolizing Oprah, Rachel and the countless others I consider mentors. Who cares what they think? But I've also gotten a ton of "You are a badass" merch from friends because they know of my love for the book. So there is good and bad. But focus on the good! That is what "The Hopefulist" is all about! But I truly believe I wouldn't be the person I am today with being an Oprah follower for my whole life. I watched her show. I bought her magazine. I bought her books. I started a gratitude journal at her urging. I took to her heart her message of "live your best life". And man, did I really want that. It took a long time for me to get there but Oprah planted the seeds. She helped me a little year after year. She prepped me for when I was really ready to bite the bullet and go all in. And I was thrilled to finally be able to see her in person, working her magic for all of the 15-thousand people there. Some day I will meet Oprah. It will happen. Even if it's a quick selfie...there will come that day!

Next up, my girl Rachel. I discovered her last year when I started to go all in on "The Hopefulist" plan. I read her book "Girl, Stop Apologizing" and it really resonated with me. I found the advice to be so useful since I was just starting my business. I started following her on social media and became hooked. Her and her husband, Dave are so fun...down to earth...willing to share everything...and call you on your BS. I have been a convert ever since. Yes, sometimes I feel like I am in a cult and am super weird but all this has really enhanced my life so call me what you will...I'm happy! I was getting really interested in attending one of her personal growth conferences but the next one up didn't work for me schedule wise. I was so thrilled to find out they were having their first ever business conference which would mix personal growth and real business tools and tactics. I was even more excited about this opportunity than the chance to go to a regular conference. Because I needed to build up my business skills.

While at that conference I was introduced to so many others who would be become mentors as well. You've heard me mention Brendon Burchard before, I think. He's all about high performance. I discovered Trent Shelton there who is amazing when it comes to speaking of triumph over adversity. And Dean Graziosi who just led me to a course that has helped me tremendously in my business ventures. I'm also a big fan of Jenna Kutcher if you've ever heard of her. She does the insanely popular podcast "Goal Digger".

What do all these people have in common? I don't actually know a single one of them. And you don't have to either. It's great if you have someone in your life who can be a real life mentor but I have found that to be difficult. So, follow people on social media that build you up and inspire. Read their books and listen to their podcasts. They will help you on your own personal path.

How do you choose who to follow? What is it you are working on right now? What is the passion you are pursuing? Personal growth? Any of those people I just mentioned. Cooking? Follow your favorite chef. Home improvements...follow HGTV and the people who have shows you love there. Home interior? Follow Joanna Gaines and Martha Stewart. Whose life are you looking at and thinking...I wish I could do that....or live like that? Follow them! Give that social media feed an injection of positivity.

Who are you going to start following? I would love to see your choices! It's Tuesday. Anyone have tacos on the menu? Make it a healthy one! Now, go make today, your best day yet. I'm cheering for you, my fellow badasses.

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