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How will your race end?

Writer's picture: The HopefulistThe Hopefulist

The race of 2021 is coming to an end soon. How do you want to finish? Remember all those resolutions you made at the beginning of the year? And then all the goals you set throughout the year? How are you doing with them? Have you made any progress? Are you getting close?

We tend to say a lot of things and never follow through. Listen, you are not alone. It's what happens with most people. But when do you want to stop being most people and start being the winner of your race? This race I'm talking about isn't with anyone else. It's with yourself. And the only way to win is to do what you say you will do. Have you made any progress at all in the goal area? Be it losing weight, starting a workout routine or getting that promotion at work?

The best part of this race is you can run it at your pace. But that doesn't mean you can sit down or quit. You have to keep going. You have to keep doing the things that you said you would do. Because if you don't then you are a fraud. Yep, I said it. When you keep breaking promises to yourself you are a fraud. And the only way to stop that from happening is to do what you say you are going to do. There is only one person you can truly depend on in life and that is yourself. So please stop letting yourself down and get those goals in before the year ends. Or at least get closer to them than you are now.

I'll tell you about where I want to end my race this year. First and foremost for me is my weight. I've talked before about how I go through this cycle of losing weight over the winter and spring and then spend all summer and fall putting it back on. Not this year. This year I want to finish my race without having to start next year with 20 pounds to lose. And it gets harder the closer we get to the end of the year. We all know this. The holidays come and we want to indulge in all those things we don't have access to any other time of year. We seem (or at least me) to give 0urself a pass for the last month of the year saying we will get on track when January starts. But then we end up way behind the eight ball because we put on an additional 10 pounds at Christmas. Is it just me? This year I want to wake up on New Year's Day and be the exact same weight I am right now (or maybe even a little less???) One can only hope, right? Nope, it's not about hope. It's about planning!

When you run a race...a real race you have to plan and train for it, right? That is what we need to do now. How do you want to wake up on January 1st? Do you want to start the year in a deficit and spend the first few months trying to get back to where you were over the summer? I'm guessing no. Then you need to make a plan and stick to it.

For me personally I hired a nutrition coach for the past month. They had me keeping track of my macros. I know, what they hell are those??? I now know they are the amount of protein, carbs and healthy fats I eat throughout the day. I've had this terrible habit of being on a diet or off a diet all of my life. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not 300 pounds with the bad eating patterns and then starving myself to get my weight back down. But as we get older we get smarter, right? When we know better we do better. At least I'm trying.

So now I'm attempting to get my macros in everyday. And since more than 50% of my calories are coming from fat I still have some work to do. I have to focus on more lean protein and less cheese! Instead of having peanut butter on bread (which is a good source of protein but also high in fat) I should have tuna on whole grain crackers. I have found that I even like the taste of these alternatives they just aren't as convenient. So I have to make time to prepare my meals. I have to meal prep which I hate! Yes, I hate, hate, hate it! But the alternative is to lose my race. And I don't want to do that again this year.

What is your priority right now? What is it you want most and have been working toward? Are you making progress? What can you do in the next two months that will move that needle to where it needs to be to finish where you want? Is it a project at work? Is it a new job or career? Have you been considering going back to school? OMG, do it! Or is it a new hobby or skill you would like to acquire? Or getting closer to your kids or siblings? Is it a home improvement? Is it a set amount of money you want to put aside by the end of the year? Money for a dream vacation? That pool that will complete your home oasis?

Whatever it is...just start running. Break it down to what you need to do each day in order to get where you want to be on January 1. If it's financial then how much do you need to put away each day or week until you have saved the amount you are looking for? Or is it research for that new kitchen you've been dying to get? Take your time and look at every option available. And then in January you can start scheduling the work to get done. Won't that be the best start to a new year? Oh man, now I want a new kitchen!!!! Someday, someday soon.

Just put some thought into how you want to feel and what you want to look forward to most when you wakeup on New Year's Day. Where do you want to be? How do you want to feel? How do you want things to look? Get a plan together and get moving. You have two months left! You got this. I know you do! And you do too!

If you liked this episode please leave me a review and hit that follow button. If you are interested in some personal positivity coaching schedule a free call with me to see what your needs are. The holidays are coming and I want them to be the happiest you've ever had. Shoot me a message and we'll set that call right up.

Now to be badass this week. I know you've got it in you. I'm always here cheering you on.

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