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Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

It just got real in here!

Remember yesterday when I was telling you about the tips from #daveramsey to help those without income coming in and what you should do? I guess I'm going to have to go back and reread that because that is me now. My husband works in Philadelphia and the entire state has been ordered to close all businesses that are not considered life threatening services. I know some of you have been dealing with this for at least a week. And I emphasized with you but now I sympathize with you.

It's kind of annoying for the fact that my husband works in a warehouse with 5 to 10 guys at a time. I have way more likelihood of picking up and spreading the virus going to the grocery store. Aside to how frightening it is that the government can step in any time and order you to stop making money, I wonder how these stimulus checks are going to be doled out. My husband makes the bulk of his money in overtime. So if they go by his tax form from last year it will show he made a lot of money. However, when he files for unemployment later today I'm pretty sure that will be a portion of his base salary which will be much lower than we need to sustain our bills. He typically makes 300-400 extra a week in overtime. I know they won't even consider that when applying for unemployment but shouldn't the qualifications for the stimulus checks be based off the same criteria? We are all struggling here. Unfortunately, I was hoping to do my part to help out local businesses by ordering some take out this weekend but now, I don't want to spend an extra dime. I'm sorry Old Causeway and Anthony's....I really had planned to patronize you this weekend but I no longer can.

So, now that I've gone over the bad news, how do we spin it toward the positive? For me personally, it's the push I need to get some of my own projects up and running. I just finished an online course that taught me how to do online courses. I know people have the time but do they have any money they can part with right now? I'm not sure. I've been talking to all of you and telling you how I have changed my ways from pessimist to a more happy person every day but I need to start making money at some point. It's that point. My podcast will always be free. But I do need to get started on these courses to get some income coming in. Like, I probably is the push I needed to finally get started. I've been holding off for a number of reasons but they don't exist when you need to get money coming in.

Have you thought about anything you can do while you are home that can bring in some more cash? Can you bake something and sell it online. Offer to make deliveries to people's front porches or stoops. Making meals for those who can't? Sell some of the stuff you have in your closet? Offer services in the neighborhood like home improvement projects, power washing, or washing cars. Put it all out there. See if you have any takers. Feel silly offering up your services for money like that? How silly will you feel when you can't feed yourself and your kids? This is the time to think outside the box. The government is forcing us to do whatever we can to bring in some cash. Blame them if it makes you feel better.

In all honesty, I'm scared right now. I had a mini-meltdown when we heard the news last night. It's scary! I even took something to help me sleep because I knew I would be too worried to fall asleep on my own. But it's also a time to get moving. To figure things out. To do what we can with what we have. It's all about survival now. Be a warrior. Do what you need to do to take care of your family. It's okay to freak out a little but then you have to start figuring things out. You are allowed to feel scared....what you can't do is let it rule your life. You are in charge. You have the power. You can figure it out. You just may have to think in ways you never have before. Take back any control possible. That will bring you a feeling of peace.

Meanwhile, don't forget to focus on the good in this situation. More time with our loved ones. Hopefully fun times with games and stories and making memories. My house is sparkly clean....have you gotten any projects done? The weather here at the Jersey Shore is going to be amazing today. We are talking 70's. If you don't think I'm dropping everything at a certain point to take advantage and indulge in that, you would be wrong. We have to look for the good even harder in times of fear. We need to remind ourselves there is still good going on and we need to take advantage of it. Just siting on the couch feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help anyone. And guess what? It won't make you feel better either? Be productive, get things done you've been putting off. And brainstorm. What can you do to bring some money in right now? Think! Be resourceful. Now is the time.

It's finally cocktail Friday. Definitely a time to grab an adult beverage but do weekends even matter anymore??? We still hold off on drinking until the weekend but I gotta tell you....I almost poured myself a good stiff drink last night. But I resisted and took pharmaceuticals I got a good night sleep at least. I hope you are sleeping well. Go enjoy the weekend and start pursuing a plan come Monday. Remember, always focus on the positive. Negativity gets us no where during times like this. Now, go try to make it your best day yet!

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