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Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

Predict your life!

Want to know a big secret to living the life of your dreams? Predict it! Down to every last detail. Something I have in my gratitude journal is a prediction of how I want my life to look in the future. I wrote down all the things I want to see happen in the next year. Everything from how my day to day looks to how much money I make to goals I'm working on. And I read it. EVERY DAY! This puts your wishes into the universe and it's more likely to happen if you are constantly thinking about it, working toward it and believing it will happen.

I wrote my prediction down on the last page of my journal so I can get to it easily. I wrote down everything I want to see happen in the near and far future. Everything from goals about my podcast and speaking events to eventually writing a book. I also include how I want my daily life to look and my relationship with my husband. I also wrote down some long term goals about how I want my life to look in 5 years, 10 years, etc. I include the big goals I'm working on so I see them on a regular basis to remind me of my path and to keep sending it out into the universe.

A lot of people may consider me lucky because of where I get to live. And I agree, to an extent. There was definitely some luck that played into it. But it was also something I had been dreaming of working toward for many years. When my husband and I got engaged in 2010, I told him my goal was to live at the Jersey Shore full time. He said he was on board for that. The way it happened was a little fast and unexpected but I believe that was the universe conspiring on my behalf. We had been renting a place on LBI for the past few years and we had to give it up because of my job situation. When it came time to look for a place full time it was winter and there weren't a lot of options available. That is when I discovered the neighborhood I live in now which is just off the island but on the water.

I also had to make some tough decisions when we moved here full time. My husband was willing commute to Philadelphia for work. I was not. So, I was ready to give up my career in radio since there are such limited options in this area. I went from job to job trying to find a place where I was comfortable. It was really working out. I'm not really cut out for office work. But my dream of living full time at the shore was bigger than my dream of continuing in the radio field. Sometimes we have to pick and choose our priorities. Or sometimes you don't.

Once we started looking to purchase a house I knew it would be a pretty big financial strap. So we cut down on as many monthly bills as possible. We went a little over our budget so that was an issue too. But not long after we moved into our forever home, I found a job in radio. I was able to live where I wanted, doing what I wanted to make a living. It was all coming together. Ironically, I had just had a visit with a former co-worker and he asked me if I would go back to radio if I had the chance. I told him, I most definitely would. I think talking about it, writing about it and reading about it all helps it become your reality.

This shouldn't even be a chore. We should want to write down how we want our life to look in the future. We should want to read it every day, wishing for it to come true ASAP. It's something so simple that can be so powerful. Give it a try. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

It's "I wish it were cocktail Friday" Thursday. Poor Thursday. What is your dream? Write it down! Let's go make today a badass one and of course, I'm cheering you on!

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