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Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

So much to look forward to

We made it. We finally got through March. It was beginning to feel like it would never happen. But it has. It's passed and we continue to move forward no matter how slowly it goes. Now that it is finally April, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's Spring! The weather will get warmer, the days will get longer, fresh flowers, fresh produce. Oh, the joy of it all!

What are you looking forward to most? Do you have spring flowers that come back every year? Are they starting to pop up? My weeds are growing, well, like weeds right now in my flower garden. I have some sea grass and that is starting to grow as well. It's a sign. A sign of life coming back. Before we know it, it will be summer and we'll all be complaining about the heat (I can't wait). Meanwhile, it's asparagus season! One of my favorite vegetables. My father used to grow it at his house. Whenever I stopped over to see him I would watch him cut it from his garden with a pocket knife. There is nothing like fresh vege's right from the garden. Is there something you grow every year? I will give my tomatoes another go this year but I don't have much luck. But I do look forward to my flowers every year. I think I may have gotten that down. Fingers crossed.

Burgers and dogs on the grill. Ah, that is our summer dinner staple. We just got a big box of our favorite frozen burgers so we are stocked up for awhile. One thing I usually splurge on is the cost of fresh buns every time we have them for dinner. I do usually have some in the freezer but there is nothing like a burger and dog on a soft, fresh bun. What is your favorite go to meal in the summer?

The best part to me though is the warm weather. I can't wait until it's warm enough that I can put my summer uniform (swimsuit) on every day and head outside with my kindle. (I suggest a kindle paperwhite for optimal outside reading). I spend hours and hours siting on my deck soaking up the sun while diving into a good book. My neighbor has even commented in the past...."you sure do read a lot". Yes, yes I do.

Bike rides, kayak rides, going out on the boat. Summer concerts and free movies outside. Long days at the beach. Lot's of company to spend time with and make fabulous memories. Just sitting on the deck with my husband listening to music while enjoying an adult beverage. These are a few of my favorite things.

We've got a long couple of weeks ahead of us. I know what will help me is to look forward. To anticipate all the good things there are to come. What is your favorite when it comes to spring and summer. Start thinking about it and looking forward to it. It will be here before you know it. Hopefully soon we will be able to gather once again. Hug our loved ones, get together with friends. Have a party! Go to an amusement park. See a concert. Look's all going to be okay.

It's hump day already. Write down a couple of things you are looking forward to this spring and summer. Read it often. It will help get you through the hard times. Now, go make today...your best day yet!

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