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  • Writer's pictureThe Hopefulist

The WONDER of the season!

One of the reasons I love Christmas so much is the beauty all around. I love sparkly lights, glitter, fancy decorations and picturesque moments. There is something magical in the air if you allow yourself the time and luxury of seeing it. It's a busy time of year, for sure. But don't let the wonder of it all pass you by.

The gift of giving is so great. Isn't it the best when you find something you know will be perfect for someone. You can't wait to give it to them and see the look on their face. This is the wonder of Christmas. The joy of making someone else happy. Go a little extra mile this year and reach out to those who may not have a lot of people around them. I took part in a secret gift exchange this year and I went in full blast. I sent her cards in the mail. I sent her inspirational quotes and adorable holiday pictures via email. Anything really that I could think of that would lift her up. It makes you feel good too!

Another part of Christmas that I love is the fact that there is one day of year when the world shuts down. There is nothing more important than celebrating and keeping up with family traditions. I know things look differently this year but we can still make it magical. You have to focus on the positive instead of the negative. Look at all you still have rather than seeing what is missing this year. I know it's hard. But it can help. Look for three things right now that you are grateful for. Focus on those things whenever you start to feel sad about what is missing this year.

And my favorite part of Christmas is the decorations! The beauty is all around us. They are inside, outside, on cars, in stores, on people, everywhere you look! I love my tree and it is rarely turned off. I want those lights brightening up every moment of every day. I love house festive the house looks and therefore feels. I make the dog dress up in Christmas sweaters and outfits. I dress myself in festive, fun clothes. Driving down the street is such a joy seeing how everyone decorates and really gets into the spirit! It's so fun if you just allow yourself to act however you want. I've come to calling to myself the crazy Christmas lady. That way people know that I am nuts about Christmas and I will be goofy and childlike when it comes to the season. I put my decorations up way early and take them down late. How sad is it when you dedecorate and the house looks so bare? I put that off as long as possible. Take in the sights and sounds! Jingle bells, singing carols, the sound of a horse drawn sleigh ride, Santa riding around on the firetruck. Get excited! Make the most of it. Celebrate it like a 4-year old does and you will do it that way every year from now on.

As we get into the week of Christmas don't forget to watch for the wonder of it all. Take the time and get into it. It can be so magical...just like when you were a child. Look at everything with the wonder of a child and it will be wonderful!

We've all got a short week coming up including me. I will be taking time off on Thursday and Friday to celebrate the holiday with my loved ones. But we'll be back on Monday to start planning out those New Year goals! It's Monday, so get to those opportunities and possibilities out there this week. And be a big, ole badass! You know I'm here, cheering you on.

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