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Embrace Fear

Writer's picture: The HopefulistThe Hopefulist

As we continue to talk about being okay with getting uncomfortable, just realize that you will be afraid. It’s okay. It’s normal, it’s expected and you should be a little scared when you are moving into new territory.

Have you figured out your goal yet? Do you know what is next for you? Have you dreamed up the highest possible version of yourself and what that person does every day? If you haven’t…what the heck are you waiting for??? Get to it now!

People who make it to their ultimate goal get just as scared as the rest of us. The difference is they do it despite their fear. You must talk yourself through your fear and nervousness. When it came to the first article I ever had published I told myself I had absolutely nothing to lose by sending it in. And it’s true. What is the worst that could have happened? They didn’t print it. They told me that my writing was terrible and they would never consider publishing anything from me. I doubt they would have gone that far but I have certainly been rejected before. I was used to it. If I sent it in and they didn’t use it then I was no worse off than I had been. BUT since they did print it….it has helped turn into all of this. My writing other articles. Starting my blog which led to my podcast.

Here’s the most interesting part of the story. I had actually interviewed for a writing position at the paper that published my first article. I had met with the editor and we had really hit if off. I told him I had a radio/news background and never wrote for publication before…only for broadcast. He seemed to like my ideas and told me to send him a story based on one of my ideas. Apparently, he thought I was such an awful writer he wouldn’t even return my calls or emails. He had someone else tell me I wasn’t what they had in mind. So, when I wrote my article about the Philadelphia Eagles winning the Super Bowl I sent it in anyway. I figured it was an opinion piece and maybe they had different standards. It turns out the person who decides on the commentary pieces is the actual owner of the paper and she really seems to enjoy my articles. I think she has printed everything I have ever sent in except for one article. Most people wouldn’t have tried to get an article printed in a paper they were already rejected from. But I truly had nothing to lose. And everything to gain. And look at me know! I’m the Hopefulist!

You have to get tough and not take everything so personally. In order to get to a place you’ve never been before you have to try things you’ve never tried before. Right? That means learning new things and taking chances you may not have taken before. That’s okay! You are the new you and you do what needs to be done and you know that you have to put yourself on the line occasionally to get where you are meant to be. Where are you meant to be? If it’s more than where you are now…figure it out! And figure out how to get there! One step leads to another and then another. The path has literally unveiled itself to me as I’ve moved along. I know it will for you too! Now, get to it! Get your butt moving! It’s okay to be afraid…just do it anyway! The bonus is you feel so good doing things you were once afraid of!

It’s hump day! Hope it’s fantastic and you make it your best day yet!

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