Are you falling into the trap of delaying your own happiness? Do you tell yourself that you will be happier when you lose weight, get married, have kids, buy a house? Have you gotten all those things and you are still setting barometers for your happiness? Do you now say that you will be happier when the kids schedule isn’t so crazy or they are grown, when you start making more money, when you get that promotion at work or when you get the house the way you want it?
I have fallen for this most of my life. Things will get better when I have a boyfriend, when I get married, when I get a house, and the big one…when I lose weight! And if I did get one of the things I was waiting for I would up the ante and wait again. This is a dangerous and hard habit to break. This sets you up to constantly delay your happiness. It’s kind of funny when you think about it because we are a society obsessed with instant gratification but we are constantly putting off true happiness.
Here’s the thing. There is always going to be another goal. In fact, there are numerous studies that show that the process of achieving a goal is what makes us happiest, not the actual goal. So, it is human nature to keep striving for more. That is a great thing and I encourage it, BUT it doesn’t mean you have to wait to be happy. You should be enjoying the process.
Here is the real thing, you have to love your life…NOW! Right now. You don’t have to love every aspect of your life but you have to love what you are doing on a regular basis. If you can’t think of any aspect of your life that you love then you need to re-assess. You can choose to be happy. That’s right. Just wake up in the morning and tell yourself today is going to be a great day and I’m going to feel happy. It’s simple…not easy but it can be done. Decide that you will be happy today no matter what and take difficulties in stride. Find a way to get around them, solve them or keep them from happening. If that doesn’t work, then let it slide. Do what you can and go about your business of being happy. This is something that can be done. But you have to want it…really bad.
Have you ever seen that saying about not complaining about anything for a week to see how much your life will change? I have never been able to do that…lol, but I can imagine how true it is. I get a certain satisfaction when it comes to complaining about certain things. I mean mostly to my husband….not in general. But I have many ways that I enjoy my life, so I allow myself this indulgence. But I imagine if I and you could manage to ditch this unhealthy habit it would be very beneficial.
You have to start setting your life up in a way that will bring you joy when you wake up. Be it where you live and the scenery you have while getting your day started or what you surround yourself with. Do you like music to pump yourself up in the morning? Turn those jams up while you shower! Spend a little money on the coolest travel coffee mug to use on your way into work. Decorate your work space in a way that you can stop and enjoy it from time to time throughout the day. Make sure you have some of your favorite foods for dinner on a regular basis. Find foods that are healthy to love. I love corn on the cob and tomatoes and I can include them in my daily healthy eating regime.
The most important thing is to stop telling yourself you will be happy when this happens or that happens. Start being happy…now. Right now! I can’t say this enough. If you aren’t enjoying your daily life than something needs to change. You must design your life in a way that will bring you joy every single day and things you look forward to when you wake up. We are trying to make the most out of this life. Not just endure it or get safely to death. Stop waiting! Do what you want now (while being responsible of course) because we never know when our time for our dreams may be up.
It is hump day. Please take a little time today to think about what it would take for you to wake up every day filled with joy and anticipation for the day. It’s not impossible. You can figure it out. I did and I know you can too. Now, go make it your best day yet!
Listen to me discuss this topic today on my daily podcast available at, on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and TuneIn. Just search for "The Hopefulist"!
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